Friday, September 4, 2009


The people in my head
Want to get out, want to get free
Want to crawl onto pages
Latch on to bodies of their own
They want to tell everyone who they are
Not just me
They want to scream out that they have faults
And dreams and ideas
Opinions about the world they live in
And those in which they don't
And they want to speak 'cause they have voices
And they want to strive and fail and then strive again
And fight until everyone knows that they are real
They are as real as anyone
Who ever graced a page.
They want someone to reach out and touch their faces
And be startled by the warmth
Of their real, living flesh
And marvel at the fact that
It was spun, all of it spun
From mere imagination and nothing else.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this - it flows really well. Plus the way the passage ends is quite eloquent in its execution. Nicely done! ^^
