Sunday, June 14, 2009

Moderation and Explanations. Not a poem.

Okay, so I've started adding labels to things to make this blog more organized. Organization is not my thing, and I find it to be highly overrated, but in this case I'll oblige.
Here are the labels, and what they mean:
old stuff: These are pieces that were written a long time before they were posted. I usually post old stuff when I have writer's block but still want to post something, so I go and grab something I wrote a million years ago and put it up. This could be anything from stuff I wrote a year ago to stuff I wrote when I was hardly old enough to write.
listenable: These are posts with an audio file or video, usually either of me singing or me reciting a poem that sounds better when read aloud. Usually the audio file or video will be imbedded on this site, but sometimes I'll need an...
off-site link: This indicates a post that will require you to go to another website or to download something.
kayla-style: these are poems that did not exist before I clicked the "New Post" button to put them up. They are composed and put into words for the first time in the blog window.
olivia: I write a lot of poems about my little sister, so she gets her own category. =]
song lyrics: pretty self-explanatory. Stuff I wrote that's intended to be sung.
translation: these are English adaptations of poems or songs that were originally in a foreign language. I don't consider these to be entirely my work, since the original was conceived by someone else, but it is sort of an art to translate something and still maintain the meaning, tone, meter, and rhyme scheme of the original.
paapik: This is a particular series of poems I've been working on that are about people I know. Not every poem I write about someone I know will have this label, though, because not all of them belong to the PAAPIK series. It's like a specific collection of poems, or something like that.
not a poem: also self-explanatory, really. Stuff I post that could not even remotely be considered poetry, like my introductory post or this one here. They're not meant to be poems-- they're just explanations or updates or whatever.

Okay, happy browsing! Hopefully this helps in some little way.

1 comment:

  1. I like that I have a style. =] Yay! PS- I still read most all your stuff.
