Monday, March 23, 2009

Poem About a Person I Know #1

I think I could be in love with you if I wanted to be.
And by that I mean that I could if I saw you often enough, thought about you all the time, mulled over your good traits.
There are times when I've even thought I was in love with you, and then I remembered that oh yeah, I'm just a kid
And you know that.
On those occasions, I talked myself down. And it wasn't difficult or painful.
But I still think very highly of you.
This one time someone told me they thought you had a bit of a crush on me, and I thought
Awesome. I hope that's true. I would really be interested in talking about my crush on you
if that was true.
Usually I think it's impossible for that to be true, and that's why I'm not in love with you.


  1. I like this one a lot because it made me think. It was really good. You have talent. =]

  2. Thanks so much-- I'm glad I was able to give you something to think about.
