Friday, March 27, 2009


My friends all know that I love muffins
I make my pie and soup with pumpkin
Love cabbage red and onions green
Potato cakes and lima beans

Salmon, sushi, shrimp, and scallops
Carrots, crabmeat, chamomile, capers
Parsley and persimmons

freshly-cracked black pepper
Nearly overripe raspberries
seaweed, rice paper
And those red-and-yellow cherries

Rare steak
Whole long-grain white rice
With pan-seared tofu on top

I love cilantro and biscotti
Fresh mushrooms and manicotti
I love beer and salmon roe
I love eggs, cheesecake, and cloves
Home-baked bread still steaming hot
Chicken roasted in crock pots
Chickpea fries, red tea with cream
Water from an alpine stream
Cream cheese frosting(not too sweet)
Wasabi(the right amount of heat)
I love cumin and pot pie
Lean turkey and Swiss on rye

I love much more than I can tell
Life's too short to not eat well.


  1. Haha this poem makes me smile big. =]

  2. Glad it does, love.
    Thanks for being a faithful reader. =D
